There are over 250 known wolf species around the world. Which one is the rarest?

Wolves are carnivores that belong to the Canidae family. They are found throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. The gray wolf is the largest member of the genus Canis and is also called the timber wolf or wolverine.
The gray wolf has a large range, but it has been persecuted in many countries because it preys on livestock and kills domestic dogs. In addition, some people consider wolves dangerous due to their reputation for attacking humans.
However, most attacks by wolves have been defensive rather than predatory.
What Do We Need To Know About Wolf Species?
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of wolves being reintroduced into parts of North America where they were once extinct. This includes Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, which was home to the last population of wild wolves until recently.
Wolves have also been re-introduced to other areas such as Isle Royale National Park in Michigan, Canada’s Banff National Park, and Sweden’s Västerbotten County.
Red wolves and Mexican gray wolves were once abundant throughout the United States. Today, however, they survive in just two small populations in Alabama and northwestern Florida.
Despite the fact that they are genetically distinct from coyotes, they are sometimes considered members of the same subspecies, Canis lupus.
For decades, scientists debated whether the animal should be classified as its own species (Canis lupus) or a subspecies of the wolf (Canis lupus).
A recent study, published in the journal Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, confirms that the two animals are indeed different enough to warrant separate classification.
A federal government study found that Mexican gray wolves are a distinct subspecies of gray wolves and that there is no evidence that they have hybridized with coyotes.
These findings mean that Mexican gray wolves should be listed as endangered, while gray wolves should remain unprotected.
The Species That has Been Almost Lost
Mexican gray and red wolves once lived across the United States, including parts of California and Texas, but were hunted to near extinction due to habitat loss, disease, and conflict with livestock owners.
The first wolf reintroduction occurred in 1978 when seven wolves were released into the Gila National Forest in southern Arizona. Today, there are more than 100 Mexican gray wolves living in the wild.
The Red Wolf
The red wolf was once thought to be extinct until a small captive breeding program began in the 1970s. These wolves were then reintroduced back into the wild in 1987.
Since then, there have been many studies done about the red wolf, and even though they are still considered endangered, they are doing well and are slowly increasing in numbers.
Professionals say that the population of red wolves decreased so much that some animals mated with coyotes. However, since the population of red wolves had already decreased so much, researchers decided to breed those red wolves with coyotes.
Red wolves were once widespread across the southeastern United States, but today there are fewer than 100 left. Their numbers have fallen dramatically due to hunting and trapping, habitat loss, and disease.
The wolves that were introduced during the breeding program have thrived, and now there are about 500 free-ranging individuals. However, the red wolf remains critically endangered, and its future is uncertain.
Species That Are under Threat

The Endangerment Rule is a rule established under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973. Under the ESA, a species may be listed as either threatened or endangered, depending upon its status.
If a species is considered threatened, then federal agencies must determine whether any action will likely jeopardize its continued existence.
If an agency determines that an action will likely cause harm to a species, then it must consult with the Fish & Wildlife Service about taking steps to avoid that harm.
If a species is endangered, then federal agencies must ensure that all actions taken will not result in further decline of the species’ critical habitat.
The Gray Wolf
A study published in Science today shows that the population of gray wolves in Mexico increased dramatically after the reintroduction of the species.
While other scientists had previously noted an increase in the number of Mexican wolves, this study provides the first quantitative evidence of this growth.
The study also suggests that the reintroduction program was successful because it focused on recovering viable populations of wolves, not just increasing numbers.
A recent study has found that Mexican gray wolves are actually a distinct subspecies of gray wolves, Canis lupus, while red wolves are a distinct species, Canis rufus. This means that the two subspecies must be protected under the endangered species act.
These findings were made after scientists ran DNA tests on samples taken from across North America. This shows that there is a clear genetic difference between the two subspecies.
The Red Wolf
Although red wolves were once widespread throughout North America, today there are just three major populations left. These animals are endangered due to loss of habitat and hunting. Their numbers have dwindled to less than 100 individuals.
As a result, the USFWS has come under intense criticism from conservationists for recently weakening protection laws. In 2017, the agency proposed allowing landowners to kill any red wolf found on their property.
Conservationists argued that this could lead to the extinction of the species. After a federal judge blocked the proposal, the USFWS said it will not pursue the plan again.
In June 2018, the U.S. government announced plans to remove protections for red wolves, a subspecies of wolves native to North America. Red wolves are considered endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.
The proposal was met with fierce opposition from scientists, environmentalists, and even hunters. A federal judge blocked the plan two days later, saying it did not meet legal requirements.
The Trump administration appealed the ruling, but in August 2019 the Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal.
The Coy-Wolves
Coy wolves are a hybrid of two wolf species, the gray wolf and the red wolf. These hybrids are called coy-wolves because they are a mix of both the gray wolf and the coyote. Coy wolves are usually born white and change to gray after about six months.
They grow larger than either parent species and weigh around 100 pounds. Coyotes tend to hunt rabbits and hares, while gray wolves prefer to prey on deer. Coy wolves are not endangered, but they are rare. Only about 1,000 remain today.
Final Thoughts
There are many types of wolves, including gray wolves, red wolves, and coyotes. Each one has its own characteristics and habits. However, all of them can cause problems when they encounter humans.
For example, red wolves often attack livestock, which causes farmers to shoot them. Gray wolves are very dangerous to humans as well, so ranchers need to take precautions to protect themselves.
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